The most creative 8 Bit film of the year

17/08/2010 14:34

Post by (louis vuitton taschen) Aug 2010

It’s fair to say that audiences will either love Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, or they will hate it. There is no middle ground. And that is just one of the many awesome things about this film.

This is art house film for the Nintendo generation.

Edgar Wright’s console based masterpiece shuns everything from linear plot to the laws of physics - as well as reems of film theory - to deliver perfect gamers cinema.

After so many big budget adaptations, Pilgrim proves the best thing about video games is never the plot – it's the idiosyncrasies: Bonus lives. Coins that magically appear after battles. Words blazed across the sky. And of course, two player mode. All of these and many more comic book and pop culture references are jammed into what may well be the most creative film of the year.

Michael Cera's journey as Scott Pilgrim, a 23 year old man attempting to defeat Ramona Flowers' Seven Evil Exes is the spine on which Wright hangs a spectacular ensemble cast, with each wildly eccentric character perfectly woven into this digital tapestry.

Though some will be disenfranchised by the films relentless referencing and absurd narrative, at heart this is a brilliant, original and above all entertaining tale, told in a totally refreshing style, that will have anyone who’s ever held a joystick, smiling from boot up to game over.

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