Judge says man arrrested for stabbing college dean is incompetent to stand trial

01/03/2011 14:26

Post by (christian louboutin schuhe) Mar 2011

A man accused of stabbing a community college dean shortly has been ruled mentally incompetent to stand trial.  Casey Brezik, 23, asked Circuit Judge Brian Wimes on Monday why the judge made that decision and whether it was a ploy to keep him locked up without bond.

Brezik, who grew up in Springfield and attended Glendale High School, is charged with two counts of first-degree assault and two counts of armed criminal action.  He is accused of stabbing Penn Valley Community College dean Albert Dimmitt Jr. in September while waiting for Gov. Jay Nixon to arrive for a news conference.  Investigators think Brezik wanted to stab Nixon but attacked the wrong person.  

Nixon canceled the news conference and never went to Penn Valley that day after his staff heard about the stabbing.  Dimmitt recovered from his injuries.

Wimes said Brezik will be committed to Missouri Department of Mental Health facility until he is deemed fit to stand trial.   Brezik's attorney declined to comment to reporters.

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