Blog and Review: Columbia Bugatech Lite Omni-Heat Boots

12/01/2011 17:31

Post by (christian louboutin schuhe) Jan 2011

Let's get this clear straight away – I am an urban snowshoe enthusiast. What I love about the sport is that with the right conditions, I can snowshoe anywhere with minimal planning and minimal equipment. You would be surprised how private many public areas become with deep enough snow cover.

So when Columbia offered me a pair of Bugatech Lite Omni-Heat boots to test for them in exchange for a review, I jumped at the chance to represent the urban snowshoe crowd. The boots arrived in early December, but unfortunately, there was no snow yet in the Boston area. That all changed the day after Christmas, as a classic Nor' Easter slammed into the seaside town in which I live. With 18 inches of fresh powder on the ground and winds gusting to 40 mph, I prepared to set out in the new boots.

But as I began to get gear up, I found the boots very tight and in need of a re-lacing before I could comfortably get going. Once resized for my wide feet, they felt great. The Bugatechs are light, but incredibly supportive. Despite the wind chill, blowing snow, and thigh-deep drifts, the boots stayed warm and dry. The best compliment I can provide is that I didn't even think about the boots as I hiked the Massachusetts Bay coastline.

Over New Year's weekend, I had the opportunity to test the boots again in very different conditions in Maine. The temperature was 40 degrees and conditions were less than ideal. Wet slush and tough slogging through woods and open fields. Again, the boots were superb. Great support, warm, light, and despite the conditions, my feet remained completely dry and comfortable. The boots were also great without my snowshoes on, as I trudged around my family's property with my labrador, Obi-Wan.

I highly recommend these boots and look forward to more snow and more urban adventures with the Columbia Bugatech Lite Omni Heat Boots.

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